Student Handbook
Welcome to Talley High School (THS)! This handbook guides our practices and serves to assure success for all students. We hope you find it helpful. Please note, it may become necessary to edit or make changes to current policies, procedures, or building guidelines during the school year. Any changes that occur will be effective immediately and supersede those found in this handbook.
We are so glad you have chosen to pursue your educational goals at THS where we are offering secondary education to fit your individual needs. Our staff is committed to teaching in an environment that supports academic, social and emotional growth through positive relationships and relevant curriculum. Through our varied programs, we have the ability to meet students where they are, and get them to graduation with skills and knowledge that will be the foundation for a successful and contributing life.
The staff at THS will serve you through delivering rigorous and relevant coursework, making connections with your family and providing curriculum and opportunities for real world application. We believe in the possibilities each student brings to THS and we are passionate about developing our students into scholars.
Thank you for joining us, we look forward to embarking on a school year filled with opportunities for success!
Talley High School Staff
General Information
- Accidents
- Child Protective Services
- Chromebooks
- Driving/Parking
- Emergency Procedures
- Fines/Fees
- Field Trips
- Good Neighbor Agreement
- Meals
- Medication
- Nurse
- Our School is Gender-Inclusive
- Our School Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
- Our School Stands Against Discrimination
- PE/Gym Clothes
- School Closure/Late Start (Due to Weather/Emergency Conditions
- Selling Items at School
- Signs, Posters, and Flyers
- Supplies
- Transportation
- Visitors
All accidents occurring in the school building, on school property, or at any school sponsored activity, must be reported to an administrator or the school nurse as soon as possible. King County Sheriff may provide assistance and information to aid in auto accident reporting. All students driving to and parking at Talley must show and maintain proof of insurance.
Child Protective Services
Visit Technology for Student Learning for more information regarding Chromebook care, Responsible Use, and Digital Citizenship.
Responsible Use Policy (RUP)
The Renton School District takes the safety and security of students and staff very seriously.
In the fall of 2016, the District adopted a technology Responsible Use Policy (RUP). A RUP is a policy that treats the student as a person who is responsible for their own ethical and appropriate use of the Internet and their electronic devices. The adoption of the policy no longer required student and parent/guardian signatures as acceptance of this policy. Instead, students must follow this policy as with other polices in their Student Handbook.
DRIVING/PARKING – Students who drive and park in the THS student parking lot must get a THS Parking Pass from the main office to display on cars. Bring a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance to the main office. The following applies to students parking at THS.
· Drivers must park in the student parking
· Drivers and passengers must remain on campus all day (THS has a closed campus policy)
· For safety, drivers will drive 5 mph when on school property.
· Drivers will not rev motors, screech tires, blare sound systems, excessively honk horns
· School staff may search vehicles on school property if there is suspicion of use or possession of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, and/or weapons.
Student parking is a privilege and responsibility. THS reserves the right to revoke parking privileges as needed.
Emergency Procedures
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES – THS has an emergency plan in place to ensure efficiency and safety for evacuating the building during fires, earthquakes, or other emergencies. Instructions are posted in each classroom and teachers will discuss these instructions with students. Emergency drills occur at least once a month. Students are expected to maintain appropriate behavior throughout each drill and to know the exit route from each of their classrooms. Upon exit, students will proceed to their assigned staging area.
Emergency drills are held periodically to ensure proper evacuation of the school building. Students must follow teachers’ instructions and/or exit the building according to the designated route for each room. For safety and to allow emergency workers and vehicles access to all areas, students must keep away from the buildings during the evacuation period. Students who fail to comply with emergency procedures are subject to discipline. Any student involved with participating in a false alarm is subject to disciplinary action by the school and legal authorities.
FINES/FEES - Students are required to pay all fees and fines for lost books, materials, before participating in athletics, attending dances, a report card is issued, and before students can participate in commencement exercises and/or getting diplomas. Unpaid fines follow students if they transfer/withdraw from THS.
Field Trips
Good Neighbor Agreement
GOOD NEIGHBOR AGREEMENT- Students and staff at THS make a commitment to be respectful of the building grounds and surrounding community by:
- Keeping THS clean to show pride
- Not loitering, littering, or vandalizing on community/private property, local businesses, or vacant lots
- Not smoking on the THS campus or adjacent lots and fields
MEALS - Breakfast and lunch service is available each day at THS. Students who are not eligible for free and reduced meals may create a pre-paid account to be charged for meals each time the student accesses the service. Food and items purchased at the student store/café can be purchased with cash or debit card. Food accounts can be paid using Online Payments or in the cafeteria. Free and reduced lunch forms are in the office.
Medication: School personnel cannot provide students with any medications. If a student is required to take medication at school, the following requirements must be met:
· You must bring written permission from both a parent/guardian and the prescribing physician;
· Instructions from the physician including the dosage and duration of use;
· The medication must be in its original container;
· The medication must be cleared and recorded by the Nurse and will be kept in a secure cabinet.
If the Nurse is unavailable, you must check in at the Attendance Office. This procedure needs to be followed for ALL medication including inhalers and non-prescriptive medicines, such as Tylenol, aspirin, cough syrup, etc. NO medicine is to be in the building without instruction from your physician and a school clearance. We are sorry for this inconvenience, but the Washington State Attorney General’s Office has required this procedure for all Washington State schools.
NURSE - A registered school nurse supervises health room procedures; conducts health screening/notifies parents if further medical evaluation is needed; assists with individual medical concerns; and helps coordinate services with other health agencies. Our nurse is available at THS on a part time basis. Check with the office for the nurse’s schedule.
Our School is Gender-Inclusive
In Washington, all students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school. Our school will:
- Address students by their requested name and pronouns, with or without a legal name change
- Change a student’s gender designation and have their gender accurately reflected in school records
- Allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity
- Allow students to participate in sports, physical education courses, field trips, and overnight trips in accordance with their gender identity
- Keep health and education information confidential and private
- Allow students to wear clothing that reflects their gender identity and apply dress codes without regard to a student’s gender or perceived gender
- Protect students from teasing, bullying, or harassment based on their gender or gender identity
Read our full commitment to Gender-Inclusive Schools.
Our School Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. Our District Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) webpage defines HIB, explains what to do if you see or experience it, and our school and district process for responding to it.
Our School Stands Against Discrimination
Discrimination can happen when someone is treated differently or unfairly because they are part of a protected class, including their race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, use of a service animal, or veteran or military status. Renton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of any of these protected groups and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Read more about Non-discrimination, including what it is and how to report it.
PE/Gym Clothes
School Closure/Late Start (Due to Weather/Emergency Conditions
Inclement Weather Information
At times, school operating hours or school bus transportation services may be adjusted or canceled due to bad weather. If inclement weather—like snow or ice—makes a school schedule change necessary, the decision will be made by the Superintendent and communicated to families and staff by:
- Phone call/text/email to all parents and staff.
- Renton School District website and all school websites.
- Automated phone calls and email messages from the district to families
- The district's official social media sites: Facebook | Instagram | X
- Local media TV stations
Full-day school cancellation/closing
If inclement weather causes school closure, no students or staff are expected at schools (some essential personnel will report to work). All school, after-school, and community activities held in school buildings will be cancelled, including all home and away athletic events.
Delayed school opening/late start
If schools are delayed due to bad weather, all schools will open 2-hours late, unless the closure is on a Friday, then schools will run on a regular Friday 90-minute delayed-start schedule. The preschool program at Meadow Crest will be cancelled. There will be no out-of-district transportation. Depending on the severity of the weather, school buses may operate on Limited Transportation Routes and use only Emergency Bus Stops.
Selling Items at School
Signs, Posters, and Flyers
VISITORS - Parents/guardians are welcome to visit our school. Be sure to pre-arrange your visit at least 24 hours in advance with the teacher and the administration or office. Check in at the office to verify your appointment, sign-in, obtain proper identification clearance, and get a ‘Visitors Badge’. FRIENDS, OTHER RELATIVES OR VISITORS are not allowed on campus during the school day.
Student Expectations and School Policies
- The THS Way
- Alcohol, Drugs, Marijuana, Tobacco, E-cigarettes
- Assualt/Fighting
- Dress Code/Appearance
- Gang Related Activity
- Technology: Cell Phones/Electronics/Internet
- Weapons
- Additional Offenses
- Disciplinary Action
- Non-discretionary discipline
The THS Way
THE THS WAY The guidelines in this section are designed to assure a safe and supportive learning environment for each member of the THS community. Every student has the right to learn. Every teacher has the right to teach. Toward this end, students and staff are expected to…
Ø Conduct themselves in a positive manner
Ø Follow school and district policies/rules.
Ø Contribute to and support a positive school atmosphere (including physical environment).
Ø Follow the THS Way
· Be Respectful
· Be Responsible
· Be Safe
· Be Present
Expectations That Contribute to the THS Way…
Staff will:
· Greet students daily, use student names and get to know students as individuals
· Clearly communicate expectations and boundaries
· Develop productive, supportive relationships with students that promote achievement
· Model appropriate interpersonal skills, including both praise and constructive criticism
· Prepare and deliver lessons that are engaging and contribute to student learning
· Help students self-examine themselves and connect to their goals
· Be willing to spend time engaged in the teachable moments
· Ensure that learning takes place by taking actions to redirect inappropriate or disruptive behavior. These actions may include verbal warnings, student conferences, and phone conferences with parent, meeting with student and counselor/administration, and student contracts.
Students will:
· Attend class every day, on time
· Greet teachers
· Keep up to date on assignments and come to class prepared with necessary materials.
· Seek help when needed
· Follow expectations and boundaries
· Comply with staff requests in a respectful and courteous manner
· Conduct themselves as scholars at all times
· Use behavior and language appropriate to school and the workplace
Alcohol, Drugs, Marijuana, Tobacco, E-cigarettes
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, MARIJUANA, TOBACCO, E-CIGARETTES* – Students are prohibited from being under the influence of, possessing, or distributing alcohol or illegal chemical or mind-and-mood altering substances, imitation drugs, or drug paraphernalia (equipment or apparatus related to alcohol and/or illegal drugs) on or adjacent to school property or at school sponsored events. Students smelling of a prohibited substance and/or behaving as if under the influence of a prohibited substance will be subject to a search and/or disciplinary action. Any violation will be dealt with in accordance with the Renton School District, Washington State or federal policy and may include a drug or alcohol assessment. Failure to get an assessment or to complete the recommended treatment plan will result in the re-assignment of consequences, suspension, or expulsion.
Tobacco/Chew/Vapor or E-Cigarettes – There is a ban on the use of all tobacco products (including chew, vapor cigarettes, and related paraphernalia) on the school campus and its vicinity. Smoking is illegal for any person under the age of 18. This includes using tobacco in a car parked on campus (State law CH 28A, RCW 120.310). Discipline may include the completion of a Tobacco Intervention Packet.
Assault (fighting) is hitting, slapping, hair pulling, kicking, and/or any act where a student intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict injury to another either directly or indirectly through an object. Assault; fighting; instigating, promoting, recording, or escalating a fight; and/or failing to disperse from a fight location is prohibited. This includes an assault or fight that occurs at a school sponsored event or as a result of a school-related incident, even if it occurs off campus. The minimum discipline for the prohibited behavior is suspension (short/long term). Additional consequences may be applied. Assault or fighting may constitute a crime and legal authorities may be notified. Fake or play fighting is also prohibited at THS.
NOTE: This includes so called “play-fighting,” escalated verbal altercations, physical intention to hurt another person (bucking up) and any other involvement with a fight (promoting, instigating, and/or spectating).
Dress Code/Appearance
Student attire and hygiene must be safe, respectful, and must not distract from student learning. THS reserves the right to prohibit any clothing/hygiene issues/appearance which creates a safety or health issue; causes a disruption; is disrespectful; or interferes with the learning environment. Attire on campus should reflect school and standards. Students who do not meet these standards will need to correct the problem or wear loaner clothing provided by the office.
- Armpits to “mid thigh” need to be covered.
- Shirtless bodies, exposed navels, chests, excessive cleavage or exposed undergarments (chests and stomachs must be covered)
- Dresses, shorts, pants, skirts that allow undergarments to be exposed and/or are shorter than mid-thigh.
- Examples of what is not appropriate:
- Clothing/accessories displaying or implying illegal substances; tobacco; alcohol; profanity; sexual content; disrespectful or offensive subject matter; weapons.
- Uncovered/exposed bras, tube tops, halter tops, see-through tops, muscle shirts etc.
- Clothing denoting gang affiliation (i.e bandana) or other inappropriate headwear. Remove hats at the request of a staff member.
- Masks, costumes or face paint of any kind.
- Bare feet
- Sharp, weapon like jewelry
Gang Related Activity
GANG RELATED ACTIVITY* – A gang is defined (RCW 28A.600.445) as a group of people who interact among themselves; have identifiable leadership; take upon themselves an identity and/or a group name; claim a physical territory; and engage together in one or more forms of antisocial behavior and/or criminal activity on a regular or ongoing basis. Student behavior, dress, signing or symbolism intended to represent gang affiliation will not be tolerated on school grounds or at school sponsored events. These symbols change from time to time and determination and identification will be at the discretion of school officials and the police department. These symbols can include such items as hats, bandanas of any color, chain ornaments, clothing colors and styles, gang colors, use of hand signals, and symbols of affiliation. Other attributes that denote membership in a gang may include the presence of types of apparel, jewelry, accessories, graffiti, grooming, and tattoos. Behavior on or about school premises or at school sponsored events that creates conflict or an atmosphere of intimidation, or creates a clear and present danger, or disrupts the orderly operation of school is prohibited. When an issue of concern is present, discipline will be administered. Such decisions will be based upon knowledge of current practices and trends.
Technology: Cell Phones/Electronics/Internet
TECHNOLOGY: CELL PHONE/ELECTRONICS/INTERNET (See Appendix) – Prior to being authorized to use the internet and computers at THS, students and families must read the RSD Responsible User Agreement located in the Appendix. Additionally, students are to follow the expectations listed below for cell phone, electronics, and internet use at THS.
- No cell phones are allowed in classrooms at any time. If a student needs to make an emergency phone call, they must get written permission to take the call in the hallway or main office.
- Follow the teacher’s protocol for laptops, head sets, IPod, tablets, music players, and other electronic devices during class time.
- Use school devices, technology, and internet access as assigned by staff at all times.
- Do not leave the classroom to answer/talk/text on a cell phone or to exchange electronic devices
- Do not use electronic devices or the internet in a manner that disrupts/distracts the learning environment or violates the safety and privacy rights of others. This includes using electronic devices or the internet to record, send, share, view or possess pictures, texts, or emails that…
- Depict illegal, violent, or sexually explicit content. This includes fights, fight instigation, and verbal altercations
- Harass, bully, or intimidate others*
- Show classroom activities, school staff, or students without permission.
· Contract for Non-Compliance - Students choosing not to use devices/internet responsibly will be prohibited from using devices/internet at school or put on a contract restricting use.
· Confiscating Electronics - Personal devices may be confiscate and searched for content and/or images if there is reasonable suspicion that a student is using the device in a manner that violates the law or school policy. Illegal content or images will be referred to law enforcement.
· Lost/Stolen Electronics - THS/Renton School District have NO responsibility for lost or stolen electronic devices. School staff are not required to provide assistance for recovery of these items.
WEAPONS* (See Appendix) - Students may not carry weapons. The Washington State Legislature made significant progress in eliminating weapons from school grounds. Under RCW 9.41.280, it is a gross misdemeanor for any person to carry or possess a dangerous weapon or firearm on public school premises. This includes school buses and non-school facilities that are being used for social activities. The law requires that all school facilities must be posted with signs stated “Gun Free Zone.” Students who violate the statute are (following due process) to be expelled from the District in which they committed the violation and are considered expelled from all public schools in the state. School administrators are to notify law enforcement promptly of any violations of the law.
Renton School District policy also prohibits objects that look like weapons such as toy guns and toy knives. That means that any student who brings such an object to school or is in possession of such an object on school grounds, on a school bus, or to a school activity can expect serious consequences, up to and including expulsion. Mace/Pepper Spray are also considered weapons. Please help keep your school safe.
Additional Offenses
DEFINITION (Includes but is not limited to…) |
Arson |
The intentional setting of fire or causing a fire to occur as a result of recklessness, carelessness or negligence. |
Cumulative Violations |
Multiple Violations of a similar offense |
Dangerous /Unsafe Behavior |
Behavior that may reasonably result in injury to self or others |
Defiance of School Authority |
Failure to comply with reasonable directions of staff; intentionally confronts/defies staff; intentional disruptive behavior. |
Disrupting Behavior |
Conduct that interferes with the educational process or causes interruption in a class or school activity, including but not limited to loud talk, yelling, screaming, noise with materials, horseplay, play fighting, sustained out-of-seat behavior. This includes bomb scares, false fire alarms, etc. |
Forgery, Cheating Dishonesty |
Performing acts of misrepresentation such as falsifying parent, guardian, or other person’s signature on any school document or communication with school; cheating; plagiarizing; turning in another person’s papers, projects, computer-generated products, programs, etc., as one’s own; enabling misrepresentation to occur |
Gambling |
Playing cards, dice or other games of chance for money or other things of value. |
Technology Violation |
Use of technology (e.g. cell phone, music/video player, camera, computer) to transmit, communicate, share, view inappropriate items such as profanity, sex, drugs, alcohol, fights, weapons, bullying/ harassing/ intimidating comments; etc. |
Theft/Stealing |
Possession of another person’s or district property or the aiding or abetting of such stealing; possession of property reported lost or missing. |
Vandalism/Property Damage |
Action that results in damage, destruction or disfigurement of district or personal property. |
Verbal Abuse or Threat |
Profanity, abusive or threatening language and/or gestures directed toward another or in response to a student, staff member, or other individual. |
A student may commit an act that is not listed above that constitutes a serious offense or violation as determined by the school or district administration. |
Disciplinary Action
Students and staff are expected to follow the guidelines outlined previously in order to create a safe and supportive learning environment for each member of the THS community. Students are provided with tools and strategies for success and taught how to meet expectations.
A student who chooses to behave in a way that is unsafe; disrespectful; noncompliant; or interferes with the learning environment will receive intervention and/or disciplinary action.
· Interventions and attempts to resolve issues and/or redirect behavior will first be made by teachers.
· Administrators will intervene if an issue remains unresolved, is considered dangerous, or disrupts the educational process.
· Disciplinary action will follow Renton School District Policy No. 3240
· Disciplinary action will be progressive and individualized based on severity of the misconduct, the student’s nature, prior behavior, repeat offense, and other contributing factors.
The purpose of any intervention or disciplinary action is to…
Ø Maintain safety
Ø Enable teaching and learning to take place
Ø Reteach appropriate behaviors and develop responsible citizenship
Ø Help students develop alternative approaches to difficult situations and practice new coping skills.
Administrators will determine appropriate disciplinary action as needed based on individual circumstances. Interventions and disciplinary actions range from a verbal request to expulsion. In cases where behavior is dangerous and disruptive to the educational process, short-term/long term suspension or expulsion may apply. Interventions/disciplinary actions may include but are not limited to:
· Verbal Request/Warning
· Reteach Appropriate Behavior
· Mediation Agreement/Contract
· Restorative Practices
· Parent Contact/Conference
· Behavior Contract
· Intervention Plan
· Daily Progress Report
· Incentive Program
· Loss of Privilege
· Detention
· Restitution/Community Service
· Social Skills Classes
· Suspension
· THS Probation Letter/Conference
· Expulsion
· Other as determined by administration
Renton School District Policies and Procedures surrounding student rights and responsibilities, guidelines for behavior and enforcement may be found in the 3000 Policies and Regulations series. Violation of any of the rules may result in immediate disciplinary action. These are accessible online at
Non-discretionary discipline
Suspensions (including long-term suspensions) and expulsions may be imposed for any of the following student behaviors (non-discretionary discipline):
A. Having a firearm on school property or school transportation in violation of RCW 28A.600.420 (which results in an expulsion for one year);
B. Any of the following offenses listed in RCW 13.04.155, including:
1. any violent offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030, including
a. any felony that Washington law defines as a class A felony or an attempt, criminal conspiracy, or solicitation to commit a class A felony;
b. manslaughter;
c. indecent liberties committed by forcible compulsion;
d. kidnapping;
e. arson;
f. assault in the second degree;
g. assault of a child in the second degree;
h. robbery;
i. drive-by shooting; or
j. vehicular homicide or vehicular assault caused by driving a vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug, or by operating a vehicle in a reckless manner;
2. any sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030, which includes any felony violation of chapter 9A.44 RCW (other than failure to registered as a sex offender in violation of 9A.44.132), including rape, rape of a child, child molestation, sexual misconduct with a minor, indecent liberties, voyeurism, and any felony conviction or adjudication with a sexual motivation finding;
3. inhaling toxic fumes in violation of chapter 9.47A RCW;
4. any controlled substance violation of chapter 69.50 RCW;
5. any liquor violation of RCW 66.44.270;
6. any weapons violation of chapter 9.41 RCW, including having a dangerous weapon at school in violation of RCW 9.41.280;
7. any violation of chapter 9A.36 RCW, including assault, malicious harassment, drive-by shooting, reckless endangerment, promoting a suicide attempt, coercion, assault of a child, custodial assault, and failing to summon assistance for an injured victim of a crime in need of assistance;
8. any violation of chapter 9A.40 RCW, including kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, custodial interference, luring, and human trafficking;
9. any violation of chapter 9A.46 RCW, including harassment, stalking, and criminal gang intimidation; and/or
10. any violation of chapter 9A.48 RCW, including arson, reckless burning, malicious mischief, and criminal street gang tagging and graffiti;
C. Two or more violations of the following within a three-year period
- criminal gang intimidation in violation of RCW 9A.46.120:
- gang activity on school grounds in violation of RCW 28A.600.455;
- willfully disobeying school administrative personnel in violation of RCW 28A.635.020; and
- defacing or injuring school property in violation of RCW 28A.635.060; and
D. Any student behavior that adversely affects the health or safety of other students or educational staff.
The principal shall notify special education staff of any suspensions to be imposed for a student who is currently eligible for special education services or those who might be deemed eligible for special education. To the extent that suspensions may cumulatively or consecutively exceed ten days, the principal will notify relevant special education staff so that the district can ensure that special education discipline procedures are in place, in addition to general education discipline procedures.